Business Procedures Manual

Fiscal Affairs Division

2.1 Standardized Account Coding Structure

(Last Modified on October 20, 2016)

The standardized chart of accounts structure is comprised of the following Account Number Segments.

2.1.1 Fund Group

(Last Modified on June 13, 2019)

Fund Group A fiscal and accounting entity that has a self-balancing set of accounts in which cash and other financial resources, all related liabilities and residual equities, or balances, and changes therein, are recorded and segregated to carry on specific activities or attain certain objectives in accordance with special regulations, restrictions or limitations. A fund group is designated by a 5-digit numeric code. These standard Fund Group codes will be defined in Section 2.2, Fund Group. Institutions may use only the Fund Group Codes defined in this manual.

2.1.2 Function Code

(Last Modified on June 13, 2019)

Function Code Public higher education institutions must follow the functional expense definitions as defined by NACUBO. A functional classification is a method of grouping expenses according to the purpose for which the costs are incurred. NACUBO industry guidance assists in consistent IPEDS Finance Survey and other general purpose external financial reporting. Function Code (PeopleSoft reference Program Code) is designated by a 5-digit numeric code. These standard Function Codes will be defined in Section 2.3, Function and Sub-Function Code. Institutions may use only the Function (Program) Codes defined in this manual.

2.1.3 Funding Source Code

(Last Modified on June 13, 2019)

Funding Source Code is used to identify revenue sources provided or obtained for the operations of an institution. Fund source identifiers provide a lower level of detail on the broader categories of State, Federal and Other funds, but must provide at least the level of detail required by the annual appropriation act of the State of Georgia. Funding Source code - (PeopleSoft reference Classification Code) is designated by a 5-digit numeric code. This classification is used to denote the specific source of funding for both Revenues and Expenditures. These standard Funding Source Codes are defined later in Section 2.4, Funding Source Code. Institutions may use only the Funding Source (Classification) Codes defined in this manual, or those published by the University System Office – Budget Department. It should be noted that the requirement for tracking funding source is unique to the State of Georgia and is not a part of NACUBO accounting standards.

2.1.4 Department

(Last Modified on October 20, 2016)

Department classification is used to denote the identity of an operating unit or budget unit within an institution. Department is designated by a seven-digit numeric code. The role of Department numbering shall be that of identifying organizational structure. In all instances these digits will be assigned by the institution. There is no attempt within the Ӱ to standardize or control department identification.

2.1.5 Project Indicator

(Last Modified on May 1, 2019)

Project Indicator A code used to identify separate activity such as grants and gifts within a specific program identifier. Project Indicator (PeopleSoft reference Project ID) is used for the identification of projects, which may be either general or sponsored. *

*Note: The PeopleSoft Financials software allows this chart field to be up to 10 characters in length.

2.1.6 Account

(Last Modified on June 13, 2019)

Account A code used to identify transactional activity in detailed breakdown of types of revenues, expenditures, or balance sheet accounts. Coding for the accounts will be defined in the following:

Although most of the codes are standardized, some flexibility is granted the institution for further breakdown where the account code ends in one or more “x” values noting Institutional Discretion. Institutions must request Institutional Discretion accounts from the Office of Fiscal Affairs – Accounting and Reporting.

When the account code is depicted in this manual as having one or more “x” values, any numeric digit combination that is not already being utilized for a standard account may be substituted for the “x”. * For example, the Account Code 1120xx Petty Cash may be used as illustrated below:

  • 112000 Petty Cash
  • 112001 Petty Cash – Business Office
  • 112002 Petty Cash – Bookstore
  • 112003 Petty Cash – Plant Operations

* Note 1: The PeopleSoft Financials software defines account codes to a lower level than this manual.

* Note 2: Institutions using the GeorgiaFIRST model of the PeopleSoft Financials software should refer to the Documentation Index section of the website for additional information about the Standardized Chart of Accounts for the GeorgiaFIRST implementation.

2.1.7 Budget Period

(Last Modified on October 20, 2016)

Budget Period (PeopleSoft Reference Budget Reference) is the budget year in which revenues, expenses, and encumbrances originate. Budget period/reference coincides with the State of Georgia fiscal year for budget basis accounting. Note that this is not the same as GAAP basis fiscal year.

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